White Gesso Perfect background preparation for Maimeri Acrylic colors. Dries in about 30 minutes.
Gloss Gel Transparent acrylic gel. Increase the brightness and transparency of colors.
Gloss Heavy Gel Transparent acrylic gel. Ideal for thick techniques. Increase the brightness and transparency of the colors.
Coarse Natural Pumice Dense paste of natural color. Contains coarse-grained pumice. Ideal for thick techniques and special effects.
Fine Natural Pumice Dense paste of natural color. Contains fine-grained pumice. Ideal for thick techniques and special effects
Gloss Final Varnish High viscosity acrylic varnish. Protects the painting. Increase the brightness of the colors. Apply in a dry color, diluting slightly
Iridescent Paste Iridescent white acrylic paste with coarse scales. Applicable with a brush or spatula. Mixed with colors it increases its volume and iridescence.
Coarse White Pumice. Contains coarse-grained pumice. Ideal for thick techniques and special effects
Light Modeling Paste. Mixable with acrylic colors. Tents to whiten, tone down the color. Ideal for thick techniques
Heavy Modeling Paste. Dense white paste mixable with acrylic colors. Curtains to whiten. Attenuates the tone of colors. Ideal for thick techniques
Glassy Gel. Very glossy and hard gel for acrylic colors. Added to colors makes them harder and more resistant
Gel Matte Opal acrylic gel, not glossy. Increase opacity and color transparency
White Gesso Perfect background preparation for Maimeri Acrylic colors. Dries in about 30 minutes.
Gloss Gel Transparent acrylic gel. Increase the brightness and transparency of colors.
Gloss Heavy Gel Transparent acrylic gel. Ideal for thick techniques. Increase the brightness and transparency of the colors.
Coarse Natural Pumice Dense paste of natural color. Contains coarse-grained pumice. Ideal for thick techniques and special effects.
Fine Natural Pumice Dense paste of natural color. Contains fine-grained pumice. Ideal for thick techniques and special effects
Gloss Final Varnish High viscosity acrylic varnish. Protects the painting. Increase the brightness of the colors. Apply in a dry color, diluting slightly
Iridescent Paste Iridescent white acrylic paste with coarse scales. Applicable with a brush or spatula. Mixed with colors it increases its volume and iridescence.
Coarse White Pumice. Contains coarse-grained pumice. Ideal for thick techniques and special effects
Light Modeling Paste. Mixable with acrylic colors. Tents to whiten, tone down the color. Ideal for thick techniques
Heavy Modeling Paste. Dense white paste mixable with acrylic colors. Curtains to whiten. Attenuates the tone of colors. Ideal for thick techniques
Glassy Gel. Very glossy and hard gel for acrylic colors. Added to colors makes them harder and more resistant
Gel Matte Opal acrylic gel, not glossy. Increase opacity and color transparency