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Available in three grades these pencils provide a wide tonal range from the deepest of blacks to the lighest of greys.
Derwent Charcoal Pencil Set of 6
Derwent Charcoal Pencil Set 10pcs Set
Derwent Charcoal Pencils Blister Pack of 4pcs Set
Derwent Compressed Charcoal Blocks
Rexel Derwent Charcoal Pencil
Rexel Derwent Charcoal Pencil 72pcs Tub
Rexel Derwent Sketching Charcoal Pencils 4B
Rexel Derwent Sketching Charcoal Pencils HB
Rexel Derwent White Charcoal Pencil
Derwent Rexel Charcoal Pencil Dark 6B