Our Richeson Signature Pastels are appropriate for every level of creativity. They are well-made, versatile and vibrant. They are perfect for all paintings from sketching to final touches.
Richeson Handmade Soft Pastels
• Superior lightfastness,
professional quality
• Create broad smooth strokes
or fine detail
• 33% larger than most pastels
on the market
• Full-size stick: 2-3/4" x 5/8"
Half-size stick: 1-3/8" x 5/8"
• Perfect for velvety finish work
• Offers consistent application
without crumbling
Our Richeson Signature Pastels are appropriate for every level of creativity. They are well-made, versatile and vibrant. They are perfect for all paintings from sketching to final touches.
Richeson Handmade Soft Pastels
• Superior lightfastness,
professional quality
• Create broad smooth strokes
or fine detail
• 33% larger than most pastels
on the market
• Full-size stick: 2-3/4" x 5/8"
Half-size stick: 1-3/8" x 5/8"
• Perfect for velvety finish work
• Offers consistent application
without crumbling