In 1862, the great-great-great-uncle of today's managing director, Dr. med. Franz Schoenfeld (born 1829), the artist paints and painting factory Dr. med. Ms. Schoenfeld in Dusseldorf.
Since 1829, his father has been running a specialist shop for art materials in contrast to the traditional Düsseldorf Art Academy. A shop that still in 1902 boasted of being the "largest and oldest in its industry". Here Franz Schoenfeld discovered his interest in art and art materials.
He studied in Giessen and Heidelberg. Already as a 20-year-old, he earned the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. After obtaining his doctorate, he worked to expand his knowledge as an assistant at the University of London and in the Netherlands.
Significantly, he chose in 1896 for a new headquarters the location opposite the Dusseldorf paint box, then and still today international meeting place for painters, architects and writers.
In the beginning was the production of watercolor paints. Dr. Schoenfeld managed to transfer the advantage of the liquid watercolor paint - namely the fast color pick-up with the brush - into the recipe of the watercolors: the birth of the "wet watercolor". From the beginning, the company relentlessly focused on quality - without compromise. Only the best pigments and binders in artificially optimal formulations are used. The combination of consistent, high-quality workmanship guarantees a brilliant color brilliance and light fastness, and thus the best prerequisite for the durability of artworks over many generations. LUKAS artists' colors by Dr. Ing. Mrs. Schoenfeld always to the top qualities.
At the turn of the century 1900, a significant brand policy decision was made, which still characterizes the company's face: The patron saint of painters "Sankt LUKAS" became the namesake for all products from Dr. Haus. Mrs. Schoenfeld. Since that time, people speak of LUKAS artist colors. Even today, the symbol of the ST. LUKAS - adapted to contemporary tastes and graphic trends - the sign of the house.
As the interest in LUKAS artists' colors increased, the company moved into a new building in 1960 conveniently located on the outskirts of the city of Dusseldorf, where it can still be found today.
From the very beginning, the company was always owned by the founding family: in 1907, Paul Schoenfeld took over the company from his father and handed it over to his nephew Dr. in 1919 shortly before his death. Eduard Talbot. His successor was in 1957, his daughter Christa Heusgen-Talbot, in the footsteps of today's CEO Hubertus Heusgen in 1998.
One of the most well-known collaborators was Prof. Hans-Gert Müller, editor of the 12th to 15th edition of the important Max Doerner classic "Malmaterial and its use in the picture", the standard work of painting technique in German-speaking countries.
Thus, LUKAS products have always been at the forefront of technical developments, which is not least manifested in the fact that LUKAS was the first manufacturer on the European continent to produce artist acrylic paints in 1964.
This and the constant pursuit of superior product quality has meant that over the centuries, well known artists have trusted the quality of LUKAS colors. So also Vincent van Gogh, who wrote in 1885 to his brother, he ordered color from Schoenfeld from Dusseldorf. Likewise, the Achenbach brothers wrote that they only needed paints from the house of Schoenfeld in their lives, because they were so extremely satisfied with them.
Just as modern painters and graphic artists like Josef Beuys, Hans-Georg Baselitz or the designers of the STELLA musicals trust in the superior quality of LUKAS. Quality products from LUKAS - that is a household name not only in Germany but in more than 50 countries worldwide, from Norway to South Africa, from Canada to Australia.
In 1862, the great-great-great-uncle of today's managing director, Dr. med. Franz Schoenfeld (born 1829), the artist paints and painting factory Dr. med. Ms. Schoenfeld in Dusseldorf.
Since 1829, his father has been running a specialist shop for art materials in contrast to the traditional Düsseldorf Art Academy. A shop that still in 1902 boasted of being the "largest and oldest in its industry". Here Franz Schoenfeld discovered his interest in art and art materials.
He studied in Giessen and Heidelberg. Already as a 20-year-old, he earned the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. After obtaining his doctorate, he worked to expand his knowledge as an assistant at the University of London and in the Netherlands.
Significantly, he chose in 1896 for a new headquarters the location opposite the Dusseldorf paint box, then and still today international meeting place for painters, architects and writers.
In the beginning was the production of watercolor paints. Dr. Schoenfeld managed to transfer the advantage of the liquid watercolor paint - namely the fast color pick-up with the brush - into the recipe of the watercolors: the birth of the "wet watercolor". From the beginning, the company relentlessly focused on quality - without compromise. Only the best pigments and binders in artificially optimal formulations are used. The combination of consistent, high-quality workmanship guarantees a brilliant color brilliance and light fastness, and thus the best prerequisite for the durability of artworks over many generations. LUKAS artists' colors by Dr. Ing. Mrs. Schoenfeld always to the top qualities.
At the turn of the century 1900, a significant brand policy decision was made, which still characterizes the company's face: The patron saint of painters "Sankt LUKAS" became the namesake for all products from Dr. Haus. Mrs. Schoenfeld. Since that time, people speak of LUKAS artist colors. Even today, the symbol of the ST. LUKAS - adapted to contemporary tastes and graphic trends - the sign of the house.
As the interest in LUKAS artists' colors increased, the company moved into a new building in 1960 conveniently located on the outskirts of the city of Dusseldorf, where it can still be found today.
From the very beginning, the company was always owned by the founding family: in 1907, Paul Schoenfeld took over the company from his father and handed it over to his nephew Dr. in 1919 shortly before his death. Eduard Talbot. His successor was in 1957, his daughter Christa Heusgen-Talbot, in the footsteps of today's CEO Hubertus Heusgen in 1998.
One of the most well-known collaborators was Prof. Hans-Gert Müller, editor of the 12th to 15th edition of the important Max Doerner classic "Malmaterial and its use in the picture", the standard work of painting technique in German-speaking countries.
Thus, LUKAS products have always been at the forefront of technical developments, which is not least manifested in the fact that LUKAS was the first manufacturer on the European continent to produce artist acrylic paints in 1964.
This and the constant pursuit of superior product quality has meant that over the centuries, well known artists have trusted the quality of LUKAS colors. So also Vincent van Gogh, who wrote in 1885 to his brother, he ordered color from Schoenfeld from Dusseldorf. Likewise, the Achenbach brothers wrote that they only needed paints from the house of Schoenfeld in their lives, because they were so extremely satisfied with them.
Just as modern painters and graphic artists like Josef Beuys, Hans-Georg Baselitz or the designers of the STELLA musicals trust in the superior quality of LUKAS. Quality products from LUKAS - that is a household name not only in Germany but in more than 50 countries worldwide, from Norway to South Africa, from Canada to Australia.