DIRECTION & USE: Shaping & hardening: From small balls of cernit by shaping it slightly. The material becomes more flexible and can take on various forms. It stretches like clay and folds like a fabric. Always work with clean hands on a clean surface. Colors: There are 70 colors of Cernit. It is possible to mix them, marble and lighten them with whiteCernit or to make pastel colors by mixing with opaque white Cernit. Modeling: All objects must be created starting from basic forms such as balls, cones, rolls, sheets. Always start with the basic forms, then model the details and finish by assembling the parts. Smooth away fingerprints with cold water. Baking: Preheat teh oven 110°C. Place your creation on aluminum foil or a glass plate. Bake for a maximum of 30 minutes. After baking, Cernit is very hard. you can drill it, sand it, paint it. Gluing: Solidified Cernit modles cab be glued to metal or glass use a two-part adhessive. Painting, decorating: Cover as you wish with acrylic Darwi, pearl-Ex metal powder, and finish your creation with Cernit varnish. Storage: The clay must be kept at ambient temperature in aluminum foil or a polyethylene bag. Do not allow the Cernit clay to come into contact with PVC, polystyrene or expanded polystyrene. WARNING: For children older than 8 years only. Use under the supervision of an adult.