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There are three different types of Pebeo ‘paints’, all giving completely different results; Prisme colours self manipulate to form opaque, pearlescent honeycomb effects, Moon colours give a hammered metal effect and Vitrail colours are high gloss and highly transparent.The addition of glazing Resin can be used to give a high gloss, clear transparent finish to large or small areas of artwork.
Perfect for creating all manner of craft projects from buttons to coasters, jewellery to art pieces, the possibilities really are endless!
Water-based colours (except Chrome colours) in spray for most surfaces. Unique composition that combines very low-odour hydrosoluble resins with very high-quality pigments. The solvents are replaced in decoSpray by a water-based mix (except Chome colours). DRYING: 15 minutes to the touch, completely dry in 12 hours. SURFACES: heavy paper, stone paper, cardboard, papier mache, plastic, wood, metal, clay, plaster, ceramics, glass, stone, canvas, polystyrene (except Chrome colours), dry flowers.
Shake the spray well before use. Apply directly using the spray at a distance of about 20 cm from the surface. For this, it is important to bleed the pump after each use, emptying the pump upside down.Spare nozzles are sold separately for varied effects and lines. One of these serves in particular to pour the paint into a cup and use it as liquid paint.Apply on clean and degreased surface. For best results on porous surfaces such as raw wood, it is advisable to apply white or black Gesso decoSpray an undercoat.
Hold can upright during use. Handling: format adapted to grip.
Ideal for most surfaces, even those with difficult access. Low pressure for optimum accuracy.
Paint stains can be removed with soap and water in the first 20 to 25 minutes after application. Once completely dry (12h), decoSpray is indelible, permanent and weather-resistant (outdoor use).
With the new CeramGlass markers from the Pen-Touch ™ Sakura series, glass surfaces such as porcelain, glass, etc. are drawn directly. The only "ceramic marker" that does not require fusing because here the ink is dried for 12 hours. After this time, your decoration will be water and chemical resistant and permanently colored. Pointed tip 1 mm of hard plastic and round 2 mm with semi-hard fiber. Individually 8 vibrant colors can be mixed. Odorless and non-toxic. Made in Japan. bruynzeel-sakura, reliable products that everyone has enjoyed for many years.